FAQ: Tradewars - Homeworld: Exterra Edition
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Does the solo variant play with the Planetary Expansion?

Theoretically yes, though we’re in the process of testing it for balance, as the Planetary Expansion is still relatively new. We’re also working on other solo modes, which would incorporate the same system used for The Derelict.

Last updated: May 02, 2017 07:12

Do I need extra dice?

Each version of the game already comes with everything you need. The add-on Premium Faction dice are primarily for those who collect custom dice, those who want the Premium Faction dice but don’t necessarily want the Planetary Expansion, or those who just want to have extras. We are including the two black d6s and one black d10 because once the Social Goal for the Exterra logo is unlocked, those three dice will feature the Exterra logo, making ALL the add-on dice customized.

Last updated: May 02, 2017 07:12

How does Tradewars - Homeworld compare to/differ from other deck-building games?

Tradewars - Homeworld possesses aspects which are different from Dominion; Ascension and Thunderstone; Hero Realms and Star Realms; and Eminent Domain in the most fundamental ways ~ most notably, player interaction through direct conflict by creating of Starships (Starship + Weapon + Crew) or foiling your enemy’s plans by use of the Saboteur and Smuggler Roles.

Other ways in which Tradewars (TWHW) differs from other deck-builders:

  1. Retain cards after the “Buy” Phase Analysis: Typically in deck-builders, once you’ve completed your turn all of the cards in your hand are sent to the Discard Pile. In TWHW, you will retain unused cards, allowing for more long-term planning.

  2. Combine cards for lasting effect (“S’+”W”+”C”) Analysis: In most other deck-builders, you play cards and the effect is instantaneous…and then the cards are discarded. In TWHW, by contrast, you’re building and equipping starships for use in your Space Lane to defeat your opponents.

  3. Each player possesses their own set of cards from which to purchase versus the “market” which is prevalent in deck-builders. Analysis: Each player has a series of decks representing their own own Homeworld’s assets, so players are not purchasing from a central “market” allowing you to focus and change those decks as necessary.

  4. Use of Roles to guide actions Analysis: In most deck-builders, the cards drawn from the Draw Pile dictate which actions you can take each round. In TWHW, you have a collection of character roles from which you select and guide your actions for the turn.

  5. Die-rolling and Tactics cards to make Combat less predictable Analysis: In most combat-oriented deck-builders (Ascension, Thunderstone), the amount on the cards is set with no fog-or-friction of war…in essence, the unknowns. Not only is it very unrealistic, it’s unchallenging in some ways. The Tactics card, coupled with the die roll are far more engaging for players when there Starships collide!

Additional questions from our fabulous Backers answered here…

Q1. How do you prevent “Nothing to do?” A1. In over 100 play-tests, that question was never raised. Sometimes, a bad draw of cards in say “Dominion”, can certainly leave you wanting for something to do…with the Roles, you dictate what you will do with the cards in your hand, which provides far more control.

Q2. What about “my deck can never beat that other deck?” A2. While I’ve only played Magic: The Gathering a few times, one of the things that I detested about the game, was the ability for others to craft more powerful decks, leaving newcomers in the dark (or the dust). In TWHW, every player has the same complement of cards among the various decks. The only difference is their starting (shuffled) position within each deck and the player will work out best how to procure what they need and when to employ them.

Q3. What about running out of cards? A3. In zero play-tests have players exhausted all of their cards…with 60 cards among four decks, the game play is fast so you cycle through cards (Draw-to-Discard-to-Creating and Launching Starships in the Space Lane) so fast that you shall not run out of cards.

Last updated: May 13, 2017 09:17

Is this game related to the BBS TradeWars 2002?

No, this game is not affiliated or related, which is why we added “Homeworld” to the name. “Tradewars - Homeworld” is the full title of the game, while “Exterra Edition” is the subtitle.

Last updated: May 03, 2017 17:46

What is the purpose of the subtitle, Exterra Edition, and what does it mean?

The Exterra is the name given to the Terrans, and this edition of the game represents the last four Terran factions in the galaxy. The purpose of this subtitle is because we have more editions planned, which will involve other alien races. There is a lot planned for the Tradewars - Homeworld Universe, and much more to come in the future!

Last updated: May 03, 2017 17:46

How many cards are in the game, and what are their sizes?

For the Core game, there are currently 380 cards in total, which are all 63mm x 88mm.

The Premium game adds an additional 140 cards to the Core game, so there are currently 520 cards in total, which are all 63mm x 88mm.

Last updated: May 30, 2017 09:47

Does the solo variant play with the Planetary Expansion?

Theoretically yes, though we’re in the process of testing it for balance, as the Planetary Expansion is still relatively new. We’re also working on other solo modes, which would incorporate the same system used for The Derelict. Last updated: Tue, May 2 2017 10:12 am EDT

Do I need extra dice?

Each version of the game already comes with everything you need. The add-on Premium Faction dice are primarily for those who collect custom dice, those who want the Premium Faction dice but don’t necessarily want the Planetary Expansion, or those who just want to have extras. We are including the two black d6s and one black d10 because once the Social Goal for the Exterra logo is unlocked, those three dice will feature the Exterra logo, making ALL the add-on dice customized. Last updated: Tue, May 2 2017 10:12 am EDT

How does Tradewars - Homeworld compare to/differ from other deck-building games?

Tradewars - Homeworld possesses aspects which are different from Dominion; Ascension and Thunderstone; Hero Realms and Star Realms; and Eminent Domain in the most fundamental ways ~ most notably, player interaction through direct conflict by creating of Starships (Starship + Weapon + Crew) or foiling your enemy’s plans by use of the Saboteur and Smuggler Roles. Other ways in which Tradewars (TWHW) differs from other deck-builders: 1. Retain cards after the “Buy” Phase Analysis: Typically in deck-builders, once you’ve completed your turn all of the cards in your hand are sent to the Discard Pile. In TWHW, you will retain unused cards, allowing for more long-term planning. 2. Combine cards for lasting effect (“S’+”W”+”C”) Analysis: In most other deck-builders, you play cards and the effect is instantaneous…and then the cards are discarded. In TWHW, by contrast, you’re building and equipping starships for use in your Space Lane to defeat your opponents. 3. Each player possesses their own set of cards from which to purchase versus the “market” which is prevalent in deck-builders. Analysis: Each player has a series of decks representing their own own Homeworld’s assets, so players are not purchasing from a central “market” allowing you to focus and change those decks as necessary. 4. Use of Roles to guide actions Analysis: In most deck-builders, the cards drawn from the Draw Pile dictate which actions you can take each round. In TWHW, you have a collection of character roles from which you select and guide your actions for the turn. 5. Die-rolling and Tactics cards to make Combat less predictable Analysis: In most combat-oriented deck-builders (Ascension, Thunderstone), the amount on the cards is set with no fog-or-friction of war…in essence, the unknowns. Not only is it very unrealistic, it’s unchallenging in some ways. The Tactics card, coupled with the die roll are far more engaging for players when there Starships collide! Additional questions from our fabulous Backers answered here… Q1. How do you prevent “Nothing to do?” A1. In over 100 play-tests, that question was never raised. Sometimes, a bad draw of cards in say “Dominion”, can certainly leave you wanting for something to do…with the Roles, you dictate what you will do with the cards in your hand, which provides far more control. Q2. What about “my deck can never beat that other deck?” A2. While I’ve only played Magic: The Gathering a few times, one of the things that I detested about the game, was the ability for others to craft more powerful decks, leaving newcomers in the dark (or the dust). In TWHW, every player has the same complement of cards among the various decks. The only difference is their starting (shuffled) position within each deck and the player will work out best how to procure what they need and when to employ them. Q3. What about running out of cards? A3. In zero play-tests have players exhausted all of their cards…with 60 cards among four decks, the game play is fast so you cycle through cards (Draw-to-Discard-to-Creating and Launching Starships in the Space Lane) so fast that you shall not run out of cards. Last updated: Sat, May 13 2017 12:17 pm EDT

Is this game related to the BBS TradeWars 2002?

No, this game is not affiliated or related, which is why we added “Homeworld” to the name. “Tradewars - Homeworld” is the full title of the game, while “Exterra Edition” is the subtitle. Last updated: Wed, May 3 2017 8:46 pm EDT

What is the purpose of the subtitle, Exterra Edition, and what does it mean?

The Exterra is the name given to the Terrans, and this edition of the game represents the last four Terran factions in the galaxy. The purpose of this subtitle is because we have more editions planned, which will involve other alien races. There is a lot planned for the Tradewars - Homeworld Universe, and much more to come in the future! Last updated: Wed, May 3 2017 8:46 pm EDT

How many cards are in the game, and what are their sizes?

For the Core game, there are currently 380 cards in total, which are all 63mm x 88mm. The Premium game adds an additional 140 cards to the Core game, so there are currently 520 cards in total, which are all 63mm x 88mm. Last updated: Tue, May 30 2017 12:47 pm EDT

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